On January 14, 2016, the Utah Waste Management and Radiation Control Board held a regularly scheduled meeting beginning at 1:30 p.m. MT in Salt Lake City, Utah. The meeting, which was open to the public, was held in the Multi Agency State Office Building in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The following items, among others, were on the agenda for the Board meeting: call to order; approval of the meeting minutes for the December 10, 2015 Board meeting (Board Action Item); underground storage tanks update; hazardous waste rules including approval to proceed with formal rulemaking and 30-day public comment period for proposed Hazardous Waste Rules R315-103, R315-124, R315-260, R315-261, R315-262, R315-263, R315-264, R315-265, R315-266, R315-268, R315-270, and R315-273 (Board Action Item) and approval to proceed with formal rulemaking and 30-day public comment period for repeal of Hazardous Waste Rules R315-1, R315-2, R315-3, R315-4, R315-5, R315-6, R315-7, R315-8, R315-9, R315-12, R315-13, R315-14, R315-16, and R315-50 (Board Action Item); presentation on the X-Ray Program; other business including a miscellaneous information item and the next Board meeting; and, adjournment.
The Board—which is appointed by the Utah Governor with the consent of the Utah Senate—guides development of Radiation Control policy and rules in the state. The Board holds open meetings ten times per year at locations throughout the state. A public comment session is held at the end of each meeting.
Copies of the Utah Waste Management and Radiation Control Board meeting agendas and packet information can be found at http://www.deq.utah.gov/boards/waste/meetings.htm.
For additional information, please contact Rusty Lundberg, Deputy Director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control at the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, at (801) 536-4257 or at rlundberg@utah.gov.