An interstate compact is a formal agreement between two or more states. Under Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, states may form compacts with the consent of Congress to resolve conflicts or address common problems. More than 120 such compacts have focused on various subjects, including water, education, transportation, fisheries, health, and waste.
The Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact is an agreement between the states of Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin that provides for the cooperative and safe disposal of commercial low-level radioactive waste. The Compact was enacted into law by each member state legislature during the period from 1982 through 1984, and received Congressional consent in 1985.
The Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission (the Commission) is the administrative body of the Compact. It consists of one voting Commissioner from each of the six member states. Each state determines how it will appoint its Commissioner, and the state’s Governor must provide written notification to the Commission of the appointment of a Commissioner and any Alternate Commissioners.
The six-member Commission meets at least annually. Advance notice is given for all meetings, on this website and by the member states, which are open to the public, and actions are recorded in meeting minutes. These meetings may be by teleconference.
The Commission holds an annual meeting in June of each year to elect officers and approve a general fund budget, and every other year elect officers.
See the annual reports for MIMS data on amounts and activity of waste disposed since 1986..