NRC staff to hold a second virtual public meeting on its Integrated Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal rulemaking on January 23, 2024 from 2-4pm EDT

The following is an update on the NRC’s plans for a public meeting on its Integrated Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal rulemaking:

On May 17, 2023, the NRC staff held a public meeting on its Integrated Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal rulemaking that will integrate disposal criteria for the near-surface disposal of Greater-than-Class C waste and the ongoing Part 61 rulemaking. In that meeting, staff described the rulemaking background and preliminary direction on the key technical topics and answered questions from participants. 

Recently NRC staff have received questions from members of the public regarding this rulemaking as well as a request for an additional public meeting.

As a result, the NRC staff is planning to hold a second virtual public meeting on this rulemaking on January 23, 2024 from 2-4pm Eastern.

The meeting has been announced on the NRC’s Public Meeting Notification System site, and you can find it here.

Staff plan to provide a brief overview of the rulemaking history and the proposed changes at the outset of the meeting. The meeting will then include time reserved for members of the public to make presentations and to ask questions. Based on the feedback received, the NRC staff will consider whether any changes are needed to the preliminary proposed rule currently under development.

In our prior ListServ message on this public meeting we requested a response from those who would like to make a presentation at this meeting, and are extending the request date to December 22, 2023.

If you would like to make a presentation, please send an e-mail to by that date and briefly describe the subject of your presentation.

Participants are not required to make a presentation. All participants will be given an opportunity to speak at the meeting.